Past Talks
Past Topics
U3A IT Group
Past Mtng Notes
Office S/W
Other S/W
Web Topics
Info & Tips
Basic website design & HTML coding
Website design -
more advanced techniques
Web Browsers; Browser add-
Family History research
Computer security -
malware, spyware, viruses, phishing, botnets, hoaxes, etc
Computer backup methods
Computer housekeeping
Computer Hardware -
Configuration, conflicts, tips, etc.
The Microsoft Windows™ Operating System -
XP; Vista; Windows 7
Other Operating Systems -
Linux; Mac
Computer hardware: storage drives, etc
Google Earth; Google Street View; Digital Mapping
Data storage and backup methods
Desk Top Publishing & applications -
eg greeting cards
Image processing -
Scanning, photos, PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro, etc.
Emails -
advanced methods & use
Word Processing
Spreadsheets, their construction and use
Databases, their construction and use
Printing labels using databases
Presentation suites, their construction and use
Presentation suites -
other uses
Prezi Presentation designs
Parental control of websites
Basic editing of pre-
recorded sounds
Basic video editing in Windows™
Advanced video editing -
Making and scoring music using computers
Media streaming from the web -
audio, radio, TV, etc
Auction sites -
eBay, etc
Communications with other users -
Skype, IM systems
Social networking -
Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, etc.
Computer applications, various -
ongoing topic
Mutual help and problem solving -
ongoing topic
Websites and what they have to offer -
ongoing topic
Computing tips & tricks -
ongoing topic
Open forum & interchange of ideas -
ongoing topic
Presentations given at Group Meetings